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America in The Asian Century
By - M. Rasgotra

About the Book : 
An incisive and sagacious compilation of essays by experts in the field of foreign policy and politics - scholars, senior journalists, writers - defining the role of the United States of America in Asia over the last decades and analysing its relevance and importance in the coming years.
These well-researched essays provide a significant and crisp analysis of the politics of the region and raise and answer questions like:
Will America be able to maintain its leadership in the global arena?
Will America have a role in shaping the 21st Century? Or will it be China's Century?
Will America's balanced relations with major Asian powers be the catalyst of stability and peace in the Asian Century?
Edited by one of India's most distinguished experts on foreign policy, former Foreign Secretary Maharajkrishna Rasgotra, this book attempts an assessment of the quality and extent of America's presence in and policies towards various regions of Asia - from Russia to Central Asia, the Arab countries, South and Sotheast Asia to East Asia.
About the Author
Maharajakrishna Rasgotra, a distinguished member of the Indian Foreign Service from 1949 to 1990, was India's Foreign Secretary from 1982 to 1985. At the time of the preparation of this book he was President, Centre for International Relations, at the Foundation, New Delhi. 
 ISBN : 9789381506288                                                                Price : Rs. 495.00 

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