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The Fiction of Fact Finding Modi and God
By - Manoj Mitta

About the Book :
No instance of communal violence has provoked as much controversy as the Gujarat 2002 carnage. And none has been subjected to as much fact-finding, especially under the monitoring of the Supreme Court. Sifting through the wealth of official material, this book contends that the fact-finding - riddled as it was with ambiguities and deceptions, gaps and contradictions - glossed over crucial pieces of evidence and thereby shielded the powers that be.

Scrupulously researched, The Fiction of Fact-finding exposes a range of unasked questions which helped Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi procure a clean chit. The book is written by Manoj Mitta, a senior journalist who has been tracking legal and human rights issues over 25 years.

About the Author :
Having coauthored When a Tree Shook Delhi – The 1984 Carnage and its Aftermath, Manoj Mitta is the only one to have written books on the two largest instances of communal violence in India.

 ISBN : 9789350291870                                                              Price : Rs. 599.00 

The Bourne Retribution
By : Robert Ludlum
About the Book :
Still reeling from Rebeka's death, Bourne is drawn back into the fight between the Mexican cartels when he learns that Ouyang Jidan – the man who ordered Rebeka's murder – is involved. Determined to discover the connection between the Chinese official Ouyang and a deceased drug lord, Bourne sets off for Shanghai where he'll face his greatest threat to date. As he moves to avenging the woman he loved, he also moves ever closer to his own death ...
About the Author : 
Robert Ludlum launched his career as a bestselling writer with THE SCARLATTI INHERITANCE in 1971, the first of a string of international bestsellers. There are more than 300 million copies of his books in print and they have been translated in 32 languages. Eric Van Lustbader is the author of numerous novels in a variety of styles, but is most widely known as the author of twenty international bestselling thrillers including THE NINJA and BLACK HEART. Born in New York City, he currently lives in New York State
 ISBN : 9781409149248                                                    PRICE : Rs. 699.00 

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