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The Fiction of Fact Finding Modi and God
By - Manoj Mitta

About the Book :
No instance of communal violence has provoked as much controversy as the Gujarat 2002 carnage. And none has been subjected to as much fact-finding, especially under the monitoring of the Supreme Court. Sifting through the wealth of official material, this book contends that the fact-finding - riddled as it was with ambiguities and deceptions, gaps and contradictions - glossed over crucial pieces of evidence and thereby shielded the powers that be.

Scrupulously researched, The Fiction of Fact-finding exposes a range of unasked questions which helped Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi procure a clean chit. The book is written by Manoj Mitta, a senior journalist who has been tracking legal and human rights issues over 25 years.

About the Author :
Having coauthored When a Tree Shook Delhi – The 1984 Carnage and its Aftermath, Manoj Mitta is the only one to have written books on the two largest instances of communal violence in India.

 ISBN : 9789350291870                                                              Price : Rs. 599.00 

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