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The Happiness of Pursuit

About the Book
The Happiness of Pursuit helps you find real life fulfillment by undertaking a quest that is big and ambitious, surpassing the limits of routine-filled lives. Chris has undertaken a successful quest of his own, having visited nearly every country in the world by age 35, but your own quest needn't involve travel at all. What's needed is commitment and progressive accomplishment, losing oneself in a task- whether it be a physical journey, an artistic enterprise or a philanthropic feat. Chris has surveyed thousands who've undertaken such quests and identified
How they went about it
The common mistakes
What happened when they hit the wall
How their lives changed when the quest was over
The Happiness of Pursuit offers inspirational and practical advice to help you bridge the gap between 'impossible dream' and 'everyday reality'. Discover how your own quest can give you the self knowledge to find and live a more fulfilling life.

About the Author :
Chris Guillebeau is a writer, entrepreneur, world traveller and lifelong learner. Through his blog 'The Art of Non-Conformity' he tries to help people live unconventional lives, make their own choices and change the world. He lives in Portland, Oregon.  
   ISBN : 9781447276418                                                     PRICE : Rs. 599.00   

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