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BOOKS OF THE WEEK - 27th February 2015

The Role Of Indian Americans In Indo -U.S. Relations 
By : Swadesh Chatterjee

About the Book
When Swadesh Chatterjee arrived in the United States with his wife Manjusri and their baby daughter, he had just $35 in his pocket. A decade and a half later, he was a successful North Carolina businessman at the helm of a company, while Manjusri had a thriving practice as a psychiatrist. They were well on their way to achieving the American dream.
Not satisfied with simply being an immigrant success story, Chatterjee decided it was time to give back—both to his adopted land and his motherland. He took on a leading role in the burgeoning movement of Indian Americans seeking a rapprochement between the United States and India after decades of Cold War misunderstandings and resentment. Chatterjee helped shape this movement and its strategy, and in the process he developed a new playbook for immigrant political empowerment.
This memoir is a chronicle of the ups and downs of that movement, a blueprint for younger Indian Americans and other immigrant groups raising their voices in the United States, and a deeply personal family story.

About  Author
Swadesh Chatterjee is a successful businessman and entrepreneur, based in North Carolina. He has risen to prominence within the Indian American community not only in his home state of North Carolina, but also nationally.
Swadesh’s steadfast belief and diligence in improving U.S.-India relations has been the driving force behind a new and more pro-India U.S. policy. Swadesh Chatterjee has received many awards for this work. In 2001, he was awarded the Padma Bhushan, one of India’s highest civilian awards, for building bridges between the U.S. and India. Swadesh, his wife Manjusri, daughter Sohini and son Souvik reside in Cary, North Carolina. This is his first book.
     ISBN : 9788129135322          PRICE : Rs. 500.00    


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