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BOOKS OF THE WEEK - 25Th March 2016

Everyone Culture
By - Robert Kegan, Lisa Laskow Lahey

About the Book
In most organizations nearly everyone is doing a second job no one is paying them for--namely, covering their weaknesses, trying to look their best, and managing other people's impressions of them. There may be no greater waste of a company's resources. The ultimate cost: neither the organization nor its people are able to realize their full potential.
What if a company did everything in its power to create a culture in which everyone--not just select "high potentials"--could overcome their own internal barriers to change and use errors and vulnerabilities as prime opportunities for personal and company growth?
Robert Kegan and Lisa Lahey (and their collaborators) have found and studied such companies--Deliberately Developmental Organizations. A DDO is organized around the simple but radical conviction that organizations will best prosper when they are more deeply aligned with people's strongest motive, which is to grow. This means going beyond consigning "people development" to high-potential programs, executive coaching, or once-a-year off-sites. It means fashioning an organizational culture in which support of people's development is woven into the daily fabric of working life and the company's regular operations, daily routines, and conversations.
An Everyone Culture dives deep into the worlds of three leading companies that embody this breakthrough approach. It reveals the design principles, concrete practices, and underlying science at the heart of DDOs--from their disciplined approach to giving feedback, to how they use meetings, to the distinctive way that managers and leaders define their roles. The authors then show readers how to build this developmental culture in their own organizations.
This book demonstrates a whole new way of being at work. It suggests that the culture you create is your strategy--and that the key to success is developing everyone.
About the Author :
Dr. Robert Kegan is the Meehan Professor of Adult Learning and Professional Development at the Harvard University Graduate School of Education. The recipient of numerous honorary degrees and awards, his thirty years of research and writing on adult development have contributed to the recognition that ongoing psychological development after adolescence is at once possible and necessary to meet the demands of modern life. His seminal books, The Evolving Self and In Over Our Heads, have been published in several languages throughout the world.
Dr. Lisa Lahey leads the Personal Mastery component of a path-breaking new doctoral program at the Harvard University Graduate School of Education, designed to produce the public-sector equivalent of the "turnaround specialist." A developmental psychologist and educator, and coauthor of Change Leadership, she led the research team that created the developmental diagnostic, now used around the world, for assessing adult meaning-systems.
   ISBN : 9781625278623         Price : Rs. 1095.00   
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BOOKS OF THE WEEK - 18Th March 2016

Safeguarding India: Essays on Security and Governance
By - N.N.Vohra
About the Book : 
Here is a crucial link between national governance and internal security. The effective maintenance of security calls for efficient and honest governance. And good governance is inconceivable if there is any compromise whatsoever in the enforcement of the rule of law. Continuing maladministration and corruption have created the impression that our polity, bureaucracy and the rich and influential elements are beyond the pale of law. National security can no longer be safeguarded by seeking refuge in the existing constitutional arrangements and division of responsibilities between the centre and the states. Nor can these grave and complex problems be tackled by the home ministry alone whose capability and resourcefulness has been progressively diluted over the years.
About the Author :
N.N. Vohra is currently governor of Jammu and Kashmir. Educated at Punjab and Oxford universities, Vohra served in the IAS between 1959 and 1994. He served as principal secretary to the PM from 1997 to 1998 and was a member of the National Security Advisory Board from 1998 to 2001. He also headed the National Task Force on internal security.
   ISBN : 9789351775423          Price : Rs. 499.00   
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BOOKS OF THE WEEK - 11Th March 2016

Kargil Turning the Tide  
By - Lt Gen Mohinder Puri 
About the Book : 
This book is a gripping account of the operations of 8 Mountain Division, which was tasked to evict the enemy from the Drass-Mushkoh Sector during Op Vijay. Coming from the pen of Lt Gen (then Maj Gen) Mohinder Puri, who led the division during the operations, the book is as authentic an account of the operations as one can hope to have. Written in a racy style, the book vividly captures the emotions and sentiments of a soldier; the apprehensions and fears of the leaders, and finally the joy and ecstasy of a hard won victory. The book, covering a wide spectrum from attacks at platoon level to issues impinging on national security, will be of immense value to all military professionals.
Civilian readers will find the accounts of various close quarters, hand to hand battles fought in the extremely challenging and hostile environment of rugged high altitude terrain, inclement weather and an entrenched enemy, very engrossing and moving. A very high casualty count of 268 killed and 818 wounded, coupled with a rich haul of gallantry awards � three Param Vir Chakras, eight Mahavir Chakras, and 42 Vir Chakras � operations of 8 Mountain Division are a saga of fortitude, exceptional bravery, and exemplary junior leadership, which will undoubtedly swell any Indian�s heart with pride.
About the Author :
Lt Gen Mohinder Puri was commissioned into the Fifth Battalion of the Third Gorkha Rifles in June 1966. He commanded his battalion in Mizoram and later an infantry brigade in the Akhnoor sector of J&K.
In his command of the famous 8 Mountain Division, his formation spearheaded the Army�s offensive in the Kargil sector and restored the sanctity of the Line of Control by capturing Tololing, Tiger Hill and Point 4875 which became household names during the war.
Later he commanded a Corps in the Punjab-Rajasthan sector. Before superannuation, he was the Military Secretary and side stepped as Deputy Chief of the Army Staff.
He is settled in Gurgaon with his wife Prita. They have a daughter Ayesha, married to Akhil who have a son, Kiaan.
   ISBN : 9788170623120        Price : Rs. 995.00   
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BOOKS OF THE WEEK - 4Th March 2016

Cometh The Hour  
By - Jeffrey Archer
About the Book
Cometh the Hour opens with the reading of a suicide note, which has devastating consequences for Harry and Emma Clifton, Giles Barrington and Lady Virginia. Giles must decide if he should withdraw from politics and try to rescue Karin, the woman he loves, from behind the Iron Curtain. But is Karin truly in love with him, or is she a spy? Lady Virginia is facing bankruptcy, and can see no way out of her financial problems, until she is introduced to the hapless Cyrus T. Grant III from Baton Rouge, Louisiana, who's in England to see his horse run at Royal Ascot. Sebastian Clifton is now the Chief Executive of Farthings Bank and a workaholic, whose personal life is thrown into disarray when he falls for Priya, a beautiful Indian girl. But her parents have already chosen the man she is going to marry. Meanwhile, Sebastian's rivals Adrian Sloane and Desmond Mellor are still plotting to bring him and his chairman Hakim Bishara down, so they can take over Farthings. Harry Clifton remains determined to get Anatoly Babakov released from a gulag in Siberia, following the international success of his acclaimed book, Uncle Joe. But then something unexpected happens that none of them could have anticipated. Cometh the Hour is the penultimate book in the Clifton Chronicles and, like the five previous novels - all of which went to number one on the Sunday Times bestseller list - showcases Jeffrey Archer's extraordinary storytelling with his trademark twists.
About the Author :
Jeffrey Archer's writing career has spanned over 30 years. His first novel, Not a Penny More, Not a Penny Less, was an immediate bestseller in 1975. He went on to publish a string of international market-leading bestsellers including Kane & Abel, A Matter of Honour, First Among Equals and most recently A Prisoner of Birth and Paths of Glory, both of which were number one bestsellers in the UK, Australia, Canada and India. His volumes of short stories, such at Quiver Full of Arrows, Twelve Red Herrings and Cat O'Nine Tales have made him arguably the bestselling short story writer in the English language. Now published in 97 countries and more than 33 languages, Jeffrey Archer remains firmly established as one of the biggest authors of his generation with continuing global international sales surpassing 135 million copies. He is married with two children and lives in London and Granchester.
   ISBN : 9781509827404        Price : Rs. 599.00  
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