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Pakistan: At the Helm
By - Tilak Devasher 
About the Book
Fascinating vignettes about the men and woman who ruled Pakistan What did Muhammad Ali Jinnah say when he received a royal salute from the last British regiment about to leave Pakistan? Did Ayub Khan consider turning Pakistan into a monarchy? Why was Yahya Khan so confident that the 1970 elections would return a hung parliament? What did Zulfikar Ali Bhutto say when the Pakistan Army launched a brutal crackdown in March 1971? How did Zia-ul-Haq get Bhutto to appoint him the army chief? In 2007, did Benazir Bhutto misread the extent of American support for her return to Pakistan? Had Pervez Musharraf and Nawaz Sharif agreed to a pull-out from Kargil even before the latter went to meet President Clinton in July 1999? Backed by meticulous research, the second book from Tilak Devasher, author of Pakistan: Courting the Abyss, provides enthralling insights into the lives and times of the leaders of Pakistan over the seven decades of the nation's existence. Anecdotal and engrossing, Pakistan: At the Helm presents a human side to the country's political history for anyone who is curious about the inner workings of its corridors of power.
About the Author
Tilak Devasher retired from the cabinet secretariat, Government of India, as special secretary in 2014. His first book, Pakistan: Courting the Abyss, was published by HarperCollins India in 2016. During his professional career with the cabinet secretariat, he specialized in security issues pertaining to India's neighbourhood, with special focus on Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh.
ISBN : 9789352779338  
Price : Rs. 499.00
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By - Jairam Ramesh   
About the Book
This is the first definitive biography of arguably India’s most influential and powerful civil servant: P.N. Haksar, Indira Gandhi’s alter ego during her period of glory.
Educated in the sciences and trained in law, Haksar was a diplomat by profession and a communist-turned-democratic socialist by conviction. He had known Indira Gandhi from their student days in London in the late-1930s, even though family links predated this friendship. They kept in touch, and in May 1967, she plucked him out of his diplomatic career and appointed him secretary in the prime minister’s Secretariat. This is when he emerged as her ideological beacon and moral compass, playing a pivotal role in her much-heralded achievements including the nationalization of banks, abolition of privy purses and princely privileges, the Indo-Soviet Treaty, the creation of Bangladesh, rapprochement with Sheikh Abdullah, the Simla and New Delhi Agreements with Pakistan, the emergence of the country as an agricultural, space and nuclear power and, later, the integration of Sikkim with India.
This power and influence notwithstanding, Haksar chose to walk away from Indira Gandhi in January 1973. She, however, persuaded him to soon return, first as her special envoy and later as deputy chairman of the Planning Commission where he left his distinctive imprint. Exiting government once and for all in May 1977, he then continued to be associated with a number of academic institutions and became the patron for various national causes like protecting India’s secular traditions, propagating of a scientific temper, strengthening the public sector and deepening technological self-reliance. Successive prime ministers sought his counsel and in May 1987, he initiated the reconstruction of India’s relations with China. He remained an unrepentant Marxist and one of India’s most respected elder statesman and leading public figures till his death in November 1998.
Drawing on Haksar’s extensive archives of official papers, memos, notes and letters, Jairam Ramesh presents a compelling chronicle of the life and times of a truly remarkable personality who decisively shaped the nation’s political and economic history in the 1960s and 1970s that continues to have relevance for today’s India as well. Written in Ramesh’s inimitable style, this work of formidable scholarship brings to life a man who is fast becoming a victim of collective amnesia.
About the Author
Jairam Ramesh is a member of Parliament since 2004 and has been a union minister between 2006 and 2014. He is the author of a number of acclaimed works including Indira Gandhi: A Life in Nature (2017), Old History, New Geography: Bifurcating Andhra Pradesh (2016), To the Brink and Back: India's 1991 Story (2015), Legislating for Justice: The 2013 Land Acquisition Law (2015), Green Signals: Ecology, Growth and Democracy in India (2015), Making Sense of Chindia: Reflections on China and India (2005) and others. Before becoming a politician, he worked in various capacities in the Government of India including the Prime Minister’s Office, Ministry of Finance, Planning Commission and Ministry of Industry.
ISBN : 9789386797261   Price : Rs. 799.00
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The Spy Chronicles
RAW, ISI and the Illusion of Peace
By - A.S. Dulat  
ISBN : 9789352779253 
Price : Rs. 799.00

About the Book
Pointing to the horizon where the sea and sky are joined, he says, 'It is only an illusion because they can't really meet, but isn't it beautiful, this union which isn't really there.' - SAADAT HASAN MANTO Sometime in 2016, a series of dialogues took place which set out to find a meeting ground, even if only an illusion, between A.S. Dulat and Asad Durrani. One was a former chief of RAW, India's external intelligence agency, the other of ISI, its Pakistani counterpart. As they could not meet in their home countries, the conversations, guided by journalist Aditya Sinha, took place in cities like Istanbul, Bangkok and Kathmandu. On the table were subjects that have long haunted South Asia, flashpoints that take lives regularly. It was in all ways a deep dive into the politics of the subcontinent, as seen through the eyes of two spymasters. Among the subjects: Kashmir, and a missed opportunity for peace; Hafiz Saeed and 26/11; Kulbhushan Jadhav; surgical strikes; the deal for Osama bin Laden; how the US and Russia feature in the India-Pakistan relationship; and how terror undermines the two countries' attempts at talks. When the project was first mooted, General Durrani laughed and said nobody would believe it even if it was written as fiction. At a time of fraught relations, this unlikely dialogue between two former spy chiefs from opposite sides-a project that is the first of its kind-may well provide some answers.
About the Author
A.S. Dulat was Secretary of the Research and Analysis Wing, 1999-2000. General Asad Durrani was Director General, Inter-Services Intelligence directorate, 1990-91. Aditya Sinha is a writer and a journalist living on the outskirts of Delhi.
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BOOKS OF THE WEEK - 9Th June 2018

Yoga Shakti
By - Shailaja Menon
About the Book 
Most people nowadays think of yoga as a class where you learn to twist your body into different asanas. However, the ancient philosophy of yoga is so much more than a mere physical activity and needs to be better understood in order to fully benefit from it. In Yoga Shakti, Shailaja Menon not only explores the physical benefits of practicing yoga, but the spiritual and mental fulfilment one gains from this practice.
Using personal experience as a driving force, Shailaja explains the origins of Manasa yoga in a way even laymen can understand and recommends daily exercises to help introduce beginners into the world of yoga. The author discusses how negative feelings like anger, depression and anxiety lead us to lose the power we have in our own lives and explores how yoga can help us regain this power and achieve self-realization. This book is the genuine expression of an author who has greatly benefited from practicing yoga and wants to share this knowledge with those who seek to do the same.
About the Author
Shailaja Menon is a certified Manasa yoga teacher, speaker and freelance writer/editor based in Malaysia. She has over 18 years of experience in yoga, both as a teacher and a practitioner and teaches at her studio, ‘Mat and Beyond Yoga Studio in Malaysia. Her ability to translate the practice of yoga from mere shapes on a mat to a living, breathing philosophy and way of life is what makes her classes, writings and perspectives so insightful. Through this she is able to transform and elevate an individual’s life at every level physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.
ISBN : 9789386906441   Price : Rs. 495.00
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BOOKS OF THE WEEK - 02Ed June, 2018

Adi Shankaracharya
Hinduism's Greatest Thinker

By - Pavan K Varma 
About the Book------------------------------------------------------------
What is Brahman? What is its relationship to Atman? What is an individual’s place in the cosmos? Is a personalised god and ritualistic worship the only path to attain moksha? Does caste matter when a human is engaging with the metaphysical world? The answers to these perennial questions sparkle with clarity in this seminal account of a man and a saint, who revived Hinduism and gave to Upanishadic insights a rigorously structured and sublimely appealing philosophy.
Jagad Guru Adi Shankaracharya (788–820 CE) was born in Kerala and died in Kedarnath, traversing the length of India in his search for the ultimate truth. In a short life of thirty-two years, Shankaracharya not only revived Hinduism, but also created the organisational structure for its perpetuation through the mathas he established in Sringeri, Dwaraka, Puri and Joshimatha.
Adi Shankaracharaya: Hinduism’s Greatest Thinker is a meticulously researched and comprehensive account of his life and philosophy. Highly readable, and including a select anthology of Shankaracharya’s seminal writing, the book also examines the startling endorsement that contemporary science is giving to his ideas today. A must read for people across the ideological spectrum, this book reminds readers about the remarkable philosophical underpinning of Hinduism, making it one of the most vibrant religions in the world.
About the Author ---------------------------------------------------------
Pavan K. Varma is a writer-diplomat and now in politics, where he was till recently an MP in the Rajya Sabha, and earlier Advisor to the Chief Minister of Bihar. Author of over a dozen bestselling books including, Ghalib: The Man, The Times; The Great Indian Middle Class; The Book of Krishna; Being Indian; Becoming Indian; and Chanakya’s New Manifesto, he has been Ambassador in several countries, Director of The Nehru Centre in London, Official Spokesperson of the Ministry of External Affairs, and Press Secretary to the President of India.
Pavan K. Varma was conferred an Honorary Doctoral Degree for his contribution to the fields of diplomacy, literature, culture and aesthetics by the University of Indianapolis in 2005.
ISBN : 9788193655610   
Price : Rs. 699.00
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