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Breaking Indian
By - Rajiv Malhotra
About the Book
Anything prevalent to the current day, is sure to have its root cause dated long back in time. Sometimes, an insight into ‘why’ something is happening the way it is, leads to a greater understanding. Know about the interventions of the West on the Eastern traditions: ‘Breaking India: Western Interventions in Dravidian and Dalit Faultlines’ is a book that puts light on how the various western bodies like the Church, Researchers and thinkers, Western government groups and organizations brought about a crisp distinction between the blurred identity of the Dravidians and the Dalit communities and also the other parts of the 'then India'. Half a decade of research and information gathering from multiple reliable sources has finally led to the compilation of ‘Breaking India: Western Interventions in Dravidian and Dalit Faultlines’. The researchers followed the trail left behind by the business groups, which are deceiving in nature and faulty in their sole claim of ‘good work’. The book gives a clear perspective of the state of affairs in the varied organizations.
About the Author
A public personality on everything concerning current affairs, religions and east to west intercultural affairs, Rajiv Malhotra is the highly acclaimed writer of Breaking India: Western Interventions in Dravidian And Dalit Faultlines. He has gained immense knowledge about the social condition of the Tamil people, through the research he conducted in those regions. His Tamil writings in science are quite popular too. He is also a columnist with UPI-Asia, which is a well-known news portal.
ISBN : 9788191067378
Price : Rs. 999.00
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By - H Gopalkrishna Gandhi
About the Book 
The Oxford India Gandhi looks beyond the plaster-cast image of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, the Mahatma. Gandhi’s autobiography ends in the late 1920s, several historic years before his assassination in 1948. This book seeks to fill that void left by Gandhi himself. Edited by Gopalkrishna Gandhi, the book tells Gandhi’s story in his own words—the story of his life as he himself might have narrated it to a grandchild.
Through speeches and articles, and also the more informal diary entries, letters, and conversations, the writings unfold chronologically unexplored facets of Gandhi’s evolving world view, his responses to persons and events, relationships with family, friends, and colleagues. The result is a collection that manages to look beyond the oft-repeated details—into the little things that almost always went unnoticed. 
The Oxford India Gandhi offers a look into the personal life of one of the subcontinent’s most public figures of all time—one that roused a million hearts and spearheaded one of the greatest marches to freedom ever witnessed in human history. Part of Oxford University Press’s prestigious ‘Oxford India Collection’, the book is as much for those who know Gandhi as for young readers encountering the Mahatma for the first time. 
This special edition commemorates Gandhi’s sesquicentennial year and includes a new Introduction by Gopalkrishna Gandhi.

About the Author
HGopalkrishna Gandhi is the Governor of West Bengal since 2004. He is the youngest grandson of Mahatma Gandhi, and his maternal grandfather was Rajaji C. Rajagopalachari. As a former member of the Indian Administrative Service, he served as Secretary to the President of India and as High Commissioner to South Africa, among other distinguished administrative and diplomatic posts.
ISBN : 9780199493524  Price : Rs. 1495.00
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The Man Who Saved India
By - Hindol Sengupta 
About the Book
There is perhaps no political figure in modern history who did more to secure and protect the Indian nation than Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel. But, ironically, seventy years after Patel brought together piece by piece the map of India by fusing the princely states with British India to create a new democratic, independent nation, little is understood or appreciated about Patel's enormous contribution to the making of India. Caricatured in political debate, all the nuances of Patel's difficult life and the daring choices he made are often lost, or worse, used as mere polemic. If Mahatma Gandhi was the spiritual core of India's freedom struggle and Jawaharlal Nehru its romantic idealism, it was Sardar Patel who brought in the vital pragmatism which held together the national movement and the first ideas of independent India. A naturally stoic man, Patel, unlike Gandhi or Nehru, wrote no personal history. He famously argued that its was better to create history than write it. This is why even his deepest misgivings and quarrels have been easily buried. But every warning that Patel left for India - from the dangers of allowing groups to create private militias to his thoughtful criticism on India's approach to Kashmir, Pakistan and China - are all dangerously relevant today. It is impossible to read about Patel, who died in 1950, and not feel that had he lived on, India might have been a different country. It is also impossible to ignore Patel and understand not only what the idea of India is but also what it could have been, and might be in the future. The Man Who Saved India is a sweeping, magisterial retelling of Sardar Patel's story. With fiercely detailed and pugnacious anecdotes, multiple award-winning, best-selling writer Hindol Sengupta brings alive Patel's determined life of struggle and his furious commitment to keep India safe. This book brings alive all the arguments, quarrels and clashes between some of the most determined people in Indian history and their battle to carve out an independent nation. Through ravages of a failing body broken by decades of abuse in and outside prison, Patel stands out in this book as the man who, even on his death bed, worked to save India. Hindol Sengupta's The Man Who Saved India is destined to define Patel's legacy for future generations.
About the Author
Hindol Sengupta is an award-winning author and has written eight books. He's been published in the United States, UK and India, among other countries. In 2018, he won the prestigious Wilbur Award instituted by The Religion Communicators Council of America for Being Hindu: Understanding a Peaceful Path in a Violent World, the first book on Hinduism to do so. He was also awarded the PSF Prize for public service in India in 2015. His book Recasting India: How Entrepreneurship is Revolutionizing the World's Largest Democracy was shortlisted in 2015 for the Hayek Prize given by the Manhattan Institute in memory of economist and Nobel laureate F.A. Hayek. Sengupta is a World Economic Forum Young Global leader and a Knight-Bagehot Fellow at Columbia University. He has been a journalist at the Indian editions of Fortune magazine, Bloomberg TV, CNBC and CNN. He is the founder of the global solutions journalism platform Grin.
ISBN : 9780670089901   Price : Rs. 799.00

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