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Memoirs of a Police Officer
by - Ajai Raj Sharma
About the Book
Country’s top cop Ajai Raj Sharma’s journey started with policing small towns of Uttar Pradesh, fighting bandits and goons of the notorious Chambal Valley, taking on the responsibility of politically sensitive and communally volatile districts. He was handpicked to lead the Delhi Police Force at a time when India’s capital was in a crisis. He also stood at the helm of the world’s largest border force, which secures India’s borders with Pakistan and Bangladesh. In the pages of this searing memoir, readers will be treated with the inside story of the creation of Special Task Force, of the elimination of the dreaded Shri Prakash Shukla, the exposing of the match-fixing scandal, the hunting down of ISI terrorist Ghazi Baba and the dynamic response to the 2001 Parliament attack, amongst many others.
Biting the Bullet is a trailblazing account of a life full of tackling dacoits, encounters, shootouts and terror attacks, all the while giving an insight into the mind and heart of this police officer as he makes life-changing decisions.
About the Author 
AJAI RAJ SHARMA is a 1966-batch IPS officer who served in several administratively important and sensitive districts of Uttar Pradesh. He is credited with creating and heading Special Task Force, an elite force which liquidated several notorious gangs operating from Uttar Pradesh and neighbouring states, and most notably the case of dreaded Shri Prakash Shukla. He became Commissioner of Police, Delhi and handled many high profile cases including the attack on Indian Parliament. He retired as Director General of Border Security Force in 2004.
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