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THE SYSTEM - Who Rigged it. How we fix 

by - Robert B. Reich

ISBN : 9781529043716   Rs. 599.00
About the Book : Understanding what is happening in our country is critical if we want to fix it and Robert Reich is an exceptional teacher.' Senator Bernie Sanders
Millions of Americans have lost confidence in their political and economic system. After years of stagnant wages, volatile job markets, and an unwillingness by those in power to deal with profound threats such as climate change, there is a mounting sense that the system is fixed, serving only those select few with enough money to secure a controlling stake.
In The System Robert B. Reich shows how wealth and power have interacted to install an elite oligarchy, eviscerate the middle class, and undermine democracy.
Addressing himself Jamie Dimon, the powerful banker and chairman and CEO of JP Morgan Chase, Reich exposes how those at the top, be they Democrats or Republicans, propagate myths about meritocracy, national competitiveness, corporate social responsibility, and the 'free market' to distract most Americans from their own accumulation of extraordinary wealth, and their power over the system. Instead of answering the call to civic duty, they have chosen to uphold self-serving policies that line their own pockets and benefit their bottom line.
Reich's objective is not to foster cynicism, but rather to demystify the system so that American voters might instilfundamental change and demand that democracy works for the majority once again.
About the Author :Robert B. Reich, A Regular columnist Fo The Guardian and for Newsweek, Is Currently Chancellor’s Professor of Public Policy at the Goldman School of Public Policy at the University of California, Berkeley, and a senior fellow at the Blum Center of Developing Economies. He has served in three US national administrations, including a Secretary of Labor under President Clinton. His books include the bestsellers The Common Good, Saving Capitalism, Aftershock, Super capitalism and The Work of Nations, which has been translated into twenty-two languages. He is co-creator for the 2017 Netflix original documentary saving Capitalism and of the award-winning 2013 film inequality for all . He is co-counder of Inequality Media, co-founder of Economic Policy Institute, and co-founding editor of The American Prospect. He lives in California.
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