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Books of The Week -4TH JANUARY Saturday 2025

Mindful Self-Discipline: Living with Purpose and Achieving Your Goals in a World of Distractions (English) by Giovanni Dienstmann


Self-discipline is about self-respect, not punishment. It is the superpower of focus in a world of distractions. It allows you to overcome procrastination, excuses, fears and self-doubt, so that you can keep up with your goals and habits even after motivation is gone. Mindful Self-Discipline is a unique framework, based on the three pillars of Aspiration, Awareness and Action. It is self-discipline based on meditation, purpose and awareness, rather than forcefulness. It invites you to harmonize all parts of yourself in pursuit of a meaningful goal, rather than beat yourself up to stay on track. Self-discipline will enhance your health, improve your wellbeing, increase your income, deepen your relationships, and fulfill your dreams. It makes you a better human. Best of all: it is a skill that you can learn. This book is your ultimate self-discipline guide. It is packed with examples, illustrations, and step-by-step techniques. With it, you will have all the tools you need to finally live the life you've designed for yourself not the life you were conditioned to live.

As a self-discipline coach, Giovanni Dienstmann has helped hedge fund managers, CEOs, entrepreneurs, ambitious professionals, artists and pro athletes to live a more focused and disciplined life. Since 2014 he has been successfully coaching people to overcome distractions, procrastination, self-doubt, fear, and other forms of self-sabotage. Whatever self-discipline challenge you are facing, whatever excuse you are telling yourself Giovanni has seen it, and has developed a tool to deal with it. Whether you need help building a consistent morning routine, breaking bad habits, finding your life purpose, increasing motivation and willpower, achieving your goals, or simply being more effective with your time and energy, Mindful Self- Discipline is the solution. As a meditation teacher, Giovanni runs one of the top five most visited meditation blogs on the web. His first book, Practical Meditation, is available in eight different languages and has popularly been called "The Meditation Bible". Giovanni has over 10,000 hours of personal meditation practice and is a sought-after consultant to award-winning meditation apps.


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