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Economics Politics and Reforms

By - Bimal Jalan 

About the Book
What must India do to keep growing? This book is essential reading for anyone seriously interested in the history and future of Indias development as a nation.
Bimal Jalan has closely followed the path of Indias economic policies across its changing trajectories, from before the time the economy was liberalized to the present. The pieces in Emerging India study the relationship between political and economic reforms and inclusive and incremental growth.

About the Author : 
Bimal Jalan is one of Indias well-known economists. He was Governor of the Reserve Bank of India from 1997 to 2003, demitting office on his nomination to the Upper House of Parliament by the President for distinguished service to the country. He has held several top positions in the ministries of finance and industry and in the Planning Commission. He was also Chairman of the Economic Advisory Council to the Prime Minister and represented India on the boards of the IMF and the World Bank.
  ISBN : 9780143420323                                                               Price : Rs.  399.00  

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