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Healer Dr Prathap Chandra Reddy
By : Pranay Gupte

About the Book
A chain of more than 71 healthcare centres, more than 2,950 beds, largest telemedicine provider in India and around the world including Sri Lanka, Ghana, Nigeria, Oman, Bangladesh, Qatar, Republic of Mauritius, Kuwait and many more countries, the first in India to receive a form of International healthcare accreditation—The Apollo Group of Hospitals.
A brainchild of Dr. Prathap Chandra Reddy—When everyone thinks how to spend their retirement days at the age of 50, Dr. Reddy brought a new wave of revolution in the field of medicine and healthcare in India with the establishment of the first health care hospital Apollo in 1983.
The renowned cardiologist launched the new venture was country’s first professionally run private sector hospital system. Apollo Group of Hospitals is considered as the best multiple super-specialty hospitals with gym and other healthcare services. More than 32 million men and women have been treated at Apollo’s fifty hospitals, which are staffed by over 70,000 professionals.
Know more about this pioneer venture in the field medicine in the book Healer: Dr. Prathap Chandra Reddy and the Transformation of India by Pranay Gupte. Full of delightful anecdotes and dramatic twists and turns, The Healer tells Dr. Reddy’s inspirational story like it has never been told before.

About the Author :
Born in Mumbai, Pranay Gupte was educated at Brandeis and Columbia Universities. He worked for the New York Times as a staff reporter, and as a foreign correspondent in Africa, the Middle East and Asia; he was a columnist for Newsweek, and contributed to Forbes and other major international publications. The author of several books, he has also produced documentaries for public television, and published The Earth Times, an environmental newspaper. He divides his time between New Delhi and New York.
   ISBN : 9780670086801                                                   Price : Rs. 899.00   


Focus The Hidden Driver Of Excellence 
By - Daniel Goleman

About the Book :
For more than two decades, psychologist and journalist Daniel Goleman has been scouting the leading edge of the human sciences for what's new, surprising and important. In Focus, he delves into the science of attention in all its varieties, presenting long over due discussion of this little-noticed and under-rated mental asset that matters enormously for how we navigate life. Goleman boils down attention research into a three parts: inner, other and outer focus. Goleman shows why high-achievers need all three kinds of focus, as demonstrated by rich case studies from fields as diverse as competitive sports, education, the arts, and business. Those who excel rely on what Goleman calls Smart Practices such as mindfulness meditation, focused preparation and recovery, positive emotions and connections and mental 'prosthetics' that help them improve habits, add new skills, and sustain excellence. Combining cutting-edge research with practical findings, Focus reveals what distinguishes experts...

About the Author :
Daniel Goleman, a former science journalist for the New York Times, is the author of many books, including the international bestseller Emotional Intelligence. He cofounded the Collaborative for Academic, Social and Emotional Learning at the Yale University Child Studies Center (now at the University of Illinois at Chicago). He lives in Massachusetts.
  ISBN : 9789382951797                                                                   PRICE : Rs. 499.00  


The Siege: The Attack on the Taj

About the Book :
On 26 November 2008, four terrorists entered the Taj Mumbai and took over the hotel. What followed was nearly three days of terror as the world watched the great hotel go up in flames. Now comes the ultimate account of that attack. Telling the stories of guests, staff, police and the National Security Guard, and piecing together transcripts of calls between the terrorists and their handlers, The Siege takes you right into the war zone, showing you what it was like to be in the Taj on those fateful days. Here are heart-stopping stories of guests and staff—of a couple about to celebrate their wedding, a British-Cypriot shipping magnate whose state-of-the-art yacht is docked in front of the hotel, and a young Taj employee who survives because of a stranger’s phone call. Here too are revelations about the training of the terrorists, Headley’s double game and the shocking incompetence of the Indian security forces. Terrifying, gripping and deeply moving, The Siege is unputdownable.

About the Author :
Cathy Scott-Clark and Adrian Levy are the authors of four books. Most recently the acclaimed The Meadow, about the 1995 Kashmiri kidnapping that changed the face of the modern terrorism. For sixteen years they worked as foreign correspondents and investigative reporters for the Sunday Times and the Guardian. In 2009 the One World Trust named them British Journalists of the Year, having won Foreign Correspondents of the Year in 2004 They co-produce documentaries, including Kashmir's Torture Trail, winner of a 2013 Amnesty International Media Award. Currently they are filming several new projects in South Asis
  ISBN : 9780143420101                                                                 PRICE : Rs. 499.00 

:: 21 New Beginnings by Viveik Pandit ::

:: 21 New Beginnings by Viveik Pandit ::
Viveik Pandit, the debutant author of By Mistake, is a freelance journalist. His written expressions have found space in newspapers and magazines.

Debut Novel BY MISTAKE of Viveik Pandit launched on 19th May 2012.
“The so called exacting lives are not planned… they happen”
 “Stories of oddity, hope and change”
"That's very rare..." remarked the sub-editor of the famed national daily, in whose office we sat. She continued, "...for a novelist fiction writer to be penning a collection of short stories as a subsequent release."


By - Amy Tan 
About the Book :
A NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER The new novel from the internationally bestselling author of 'The Joy Luck Club'. In fin de siecle Shanghai, Violet Minturn grows up at Hidden Jade Path, the city's most exclusive courtesan house. But when revolution comes, she is separated from her mother and forced to become a "virgin courtesan." Both Chinese and American, Violet moves between these cultural worlds, becoming a shrewd businesswoman who deals in seduction and illusion. But her successes belie her private turmoil. Violet's need for answers propels her on a quest of discovery: a journey to make sense of her life, to right the wrongs of the past - to find love requited. Spanning fifty years and two continents, 'The Valley of Amazement' dramatises the collapse of China's imperial dynasty and the secret life of the courtesan house. Unfolding old family secrets, this novel returns readers to the compelling territory of 'The Joy Luck Club'. With her characteristic wisdom, grace and humour, she conjures a story of the inheritance of love, its mysteries and betrayals, and its illusions and truths.
About the Author :
Amy Tan is the author of The Joy Luck Club, The Kitchen God's Wife, The Hundred Secret Senses, and two childrens books, The Moon Lady, The Chinese Siamese Cat and The Bonesetters Daughter. She was a co-producer and co-screenwriter of the film version of The Joy Luck Club, and her essays and stories have appeared in numerous magazines and anthologies. Her work has been translated into more than twenty-five different languages.
 ISBN : 9780007468874                                                                  PRICE : Rs. 895.00 

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