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About the Book :
The opening up of the Indian economy in 1991 decisively brought the country into the age of globalization, and there has been no turning back. The policies set in motion by the Congress and later carried forward by the Bharatiya Janata Party have shaped the country over the last two decades—not just its economy but also its culture and society. Places like Gurgaon transformed from nondescript towns to luxury-living addresses almost overnight. Indian IT firms earned renown and respect abroad, while big names such as the Tatas and Mittals grabbed headlines with high-profile overseas acquisitions. Those that managed to find a place in the enlarging-yet-shrinking global world have prospered. But increasing numbers farmers and adivasis, migrants and slum dwellers are feeling left out, bringing to the fore wide gashes in India’s social fabric. Based on personal interviews, field trips and research, Dilip Hiro weaves a narrative out of the stories of the ordinary and extraordinary Indians about how globalization has affected the country and its many children, both home and away.

Dilip Hiro is a seasoned political writer, journalist, and analyst based in London. He writes for many newspapers and magazines, including the Guardian, Observer, Independent, New York Times, Washington Post and India Today. He is a frequent commentator on West, Central and South Asian and Islamic affairs for the BBC, Sky, CNN and Al Jazeera International, among others. He is the author of more than thirty books. Among them are the highly praised Between Marx and Muhammad, War without End, The Essential Middle East, Blood of the Earth and The Timeline History of India. 
  ISBN : 9789351362661                                                                     Price: Rs. 699.00  


By-  Simon Chokoisky

About the Book :
Dharma types are individual archetypal myths--the “I AM” identity that guides each of us in subtle but definitive patterns. Today we associate the word myth with something unreal or untrue, but to our ancestors myths spoke to an enduring truth that lay beyond the ken of the senses. Our everyday world is in perpetual flux--coming into being, changing form, and dying. But myth is eternal, driven by the intelligent blueprint that underlies the mundane world of name and form. Use the test below to discover your dharma dype. Take your whole life into consideration when choosing your answers--life cycles can make it difficult to access your essential dharma look, so look at your self from childhood to now to get a complete portrait. This should help you determine your type, or at least narrow it down sufficiently to make a determination when you read the descriptions in part 1 of this book. Enjoy!

About the Author  :
Simon Chokoisky teaches Sanskrit and Medical Astrology at the Ayurvedic Institute in Albuquerque, New Mexico. He also runs a private consulting business based on his trainings in Vedic life mapping and Vedic astrology. The creator of the "Decoding Your Life Map with Vedic Astrology" DVD series, he travels widely giving seminars. He lives in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
 ISBN : 9781620552834                                                                     Price: Rs. 699.00 

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