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ISBN : 9789388689526 
Price : Rs. 699.00
About the Book
•  Is Hinduism the exclusive preserve of the most strident            groups?
•  Are the elites of ‘Lutyen’s Delhi’ stuck in a time warp?
•  Should India call Pakistan’s bluff and brand it an enemy            nation?
•  Why do MPs disrupt parliament and waste the taxpayers’           money?
•  Why shouldn’t a grand Ram temple be built in Ayodhya?
•  Why is India’s foreign policy more ad-hocism and less              strategy?

In Chanakya’s View: Understanding India in Transition, Pavan K. Varma, best-selling author of Adi Shankaracharya: Hinduism’s Greatest Thinker, analyses the challenges that India faces today. In a minute and frank critique, he points to behavioural change as the need of the hour: Indians need to respect institutions, shun intolerance, accommodate dissent, follow strategic diplomacy and increase their moral quotient. At once a celebration of India and an appraisal of it, Chanakya’s View is a roadmap to making the republic a truly great one.
One of India’s foremost public intellectuals, and also a politician, Varma firmly believes that India will sustain owing to its great civilisational heritage and the strength of its people. As a committed admirer of the great strategist Chanakaya, he is convinced that these years of transition will ultimately lead to a maturation worthy of the world’s largest democracy.
About the Author
Author of the bestselling book, Adi Shankaracharya: Hinduism’s Greatest thinker, Pavan K. Varma is a writer-diplomat and now in politics, where he was till recently an MP in the Rajya Sabha. He was earlier Advisor to the Chief Minister of Bihar, with rank of Cabinet minister. He was Ambassador in several countries, also Director of The Nehru Centre in London, Official Spokesperson of the MEA, and Press Secretary to the President of India. Author of over a successful dozen books, Pavan K. Varma is currently the National General Secretary and National Spokesman of the Janata Dal (United).
He was conferred an Honorary Doctoral Degree for his contribution to the fields of diplomacy, literature, culture and aesthetics by the University of Indianapolis in 2005. He was also awarded the Druk Thuksey Award, Bhutan’s highest civilian award, by His Majesty the King of Bhutan. In 2018, on the instructions of His Holiness the Shankaracharya of Sringeri , Pavan K. Varma was conferred an honorary doctorate by the Sri Sharada Institute of Indian Management.
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